
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Riding out the Storm ...

We had 80+ mile an hour wind gusts!
The ducks enjoyed the rain for a while before they were put up in the garage to ride out the storm.
The neighbors trees came crashing down.

Surprisingly enough the greenhouse didn't have any damage!
The cold frame was the only thing that was damaged, a 1/2' stick poked through the plastic!

All the plants survived, protected under a layer of leaves and twigs.

The ducks happy to finally be out of the garage!

Hope everyone that was in the path of the storm is safe and sound!


  1. Wow, glad you stayed safe through all that! The ducks are so cute! They look happy to be outside again :)

    1. Thanks, we were very lucky, houses on the ocean were flooded or washed off their foundations! The ducks were happy to be outside again, but were scared. They stayed by the garage door for a few hours before heading out into the yard!
