
Sunday, November 18, 2012

What are you thankful for ...

I am thankful for:

A beautiful, loving and supportive wife, 
 two beautiful and intelligent daughters,
having a loving family and caring friends,
my health, and the health of my family,
being able to do what I love, and earn a living at it,
being able to share my life with my two dogs, four cats, two ducks and a rabbit,
(even though some days I feel like taking them to the pound!)
living in an area where I can experience the spectacular colors and wonders of nature,
and being able to appreciate it,
 having had a grandfather that instilled in me the love of gardening,
a grandmother that taught me how to cook,
and having had the opportunity to spend part of my life with them both,
  being on the path that I am on in life,
 and having the means and support of my wife to be able to keep following it!

What are you thankful for?


  1. So sweet! That photo is gorgeous!

    I am most thankful for a hard-working husband, lots of animals like I've always dreamed of, and living the life we've imagined on our homestead :)

    1. Thanks! Hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Quite a lovely list of what you are thankful for! We should all do this more often.
    Thanks for sharing!

    1. You're absolutely right, we should do this every day! Thanks for stopping by!
