
Friday, December 7, 2012

Book Review - Seed by Seed

Seed by Seed, The Legend and Legacy of John "Appleseed" Chapman
Normally I would review a farming or gardening book, but seeing that my wife is an elementary school  librarian and we are trying to get a school community garden started at the elementary school where she works,  I though it was appropriate to review a children's book.

Seed by Seed is about the legend and legacy of Johnny Appleseed. 
 They say the stories of Johnny Appleseed are part legend and part fact, but he was real. His real name was John Chapman and he was born September 26, 1774 in Massachusetts. He was a farmer who grew apples and offered them to pioneers heading west. He planted apple seeds every day and changed the landscape of our nation. He traveled by foot or canoe and planted apple trees in over a hundred thousand square miles across the Ohio Valley.

John Chapman was a simple man who lived by example. 
The examples he "planted" are:

Use what you have,
Share what you have,
Respect nature,
Try to make peace where there is war,
 and You can reach your destination by taking small steps.

This book gives details about how he lived each of these examples everyday until his death in 1845.

This is a great book to have in your personal library, especially if you have younger children. It would also make a nice Christmas gift and is a fantastic way to teach children about the important lessons he lived by, and possibly get them interested in gardening!

John "Appleseed" Chapman grew so many apples that chances are any apple you eat today is from a descendant of a tree planted by him!


  1. Thanks for this review, I think I need to find this one for my little ones

    1. You're welcome! My wife is getting me more titles about gardening so I can post those as well. You can never start too early!

  2. This looks like a wonderful book for kids. I'll have to keep it in mind for the future :)

    I really like the example of his that you posted. I totally agree!
