
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Our First Snow of the Season!

We finally had our first real snow of the season!

The cold frame is covered, adding extra warmth to the plants inside.

The ducks seem to be enjoying the snow for the first time.
I brought them out of the garage and the first thing they did was lay down in it!

And as always, Buster enjoyed running around in the fresh snow!

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  1. That looks like an awful lot of snow! We got quite a bit (for us anyway) this past week but it's going to be a little warmer the next few days so it might all melt away.

    So cute how the ducks like the snow! From what I've seen, it seems that ducks like the snow and chickens don't care for it too much.

    Hope you had a good Christmas! Happy new year!

  2. So beautiful! We were out and about too. I was sad, we still had things growing in our raised beds but now they are certainly asleep for sure.

  3. Happy First Snow Rob! It's really a pretty snowfall... Nice to be able to stay home and enjoy it this weekend... Happy New Year to you and yours!

  4. So nice! We had our first snow too (finally!) and it was a lot too. Plus we had some lake effect snow today...not too much but it made it feel nice and wintery. Glad your ducks and dog are enjoying the snowy landscape!

  5. Hello, I just wanted you to know that over at Hibiscus House where we co host with Deb on Farmgirl Friday Blog Hops we have featured your post and would love for you to come pick up the featured button...thanks for participating.

    1. Wow, thanks for featuring my post! I'll be sure to stop over and grab a featured button! Thank you!

  6. Sorry left off link here is link to Farmgirl Blog Hop
