
Sunday, January 6, 2013

Vegan Sushi

Vegan sushi is a favorite in our house. It is very easy to make and is delicious served alone or with the toasted sesame oil dipping sauce. Our girls love this sushi so much they gather in the kitchen to eat the end cuts every time we make it! 


2 cups sushi rice
3 cups water
2 tbsp. seasoned rice vinegar
2 tbsp. brown rice syrup
1 tsp. salt 
1 pkg Sushi Nori Sheets

sliced carrots
sliced peppers
*or any other vegetable you like, we have even added marinated tofu.

*Optional dipping sauce:

1/4 cup Nama Shoyu
2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar
1 tbsp. agave syrup
2 tbsp. toasted sesame oil

-mix all ingredients together in a glass mixing bowl.


  • Cook sushi rice and water in a rice cooker or by following the directions on package.
  • In sauce pan, heat seasoned rice vinegar, brown rice syrup and salt until syrup is melted.
  • Mix vinegar mixture with cooked sushi rice and "paddle" until cool.
  • Spread some sushi rice mixture on a nori sheet.
  • Add sliced peppers, carrots and avocado.

  • Roll up Nori sheet tightly, sealing edge with a little water.

  • Slice into 3/4" slices and serve!


  1. We LOVE sushi around here! It's actually our tradition to make it together for Valentine's Day dinner. Our favorites rolls are avocado and cucumber. Never tried carrot, but this year I'll add it to the list :)

    1. It's funny, before I went vegetarian I never ate fish because I didn't like the taste, but I absolutely love vegan sushi and I find the the nori sheets delicious.
      Can't get enough sushi! We'll have to try it with cucumber next time.

  2. homemade sushi is something i have always wanted to make. it seems quite easy here - where do you find your rice?

    i love avocado rolls. and don't judge - but tempura fried yam is also divine.

    thank you for sharing your post with us at the Wednesday Fresh Foods Link Up - I hope to see you again this week with more seasonal & real/whole food posts! xo, kristy

    1. We get our sushi rice from the local health food store or from Whole Foods. Sushi is very easy to make, we love it so much we have it every Sunday!
