
Friday, June 21, 2013

Early morning reflections ...

Each morning around 5am I go to the school garden to water the plants, check for signs of pests, and snap a few progress photos.

I look forward to going each morning because it's the quietest time of my day. As I water, I envision the potential the garden holds, and gain inspiration for new projects.

The more time I spend in the garden, the more I realize that this is what I want to do with my life. It is so rewarding and fulfilling to take an empty plot of land and transform it into a space that is attracting birds, butterflies, worms and other beneficial insects, and growing food to feed and nourish others.

Each day I find myself lingering in the garden because I enjoy being there so much. It is such a quiet and relaxing place and as I watch the plants growing I can feel myself growing more towards a life in agriculture.

Every time I look at a plant I am fascinated by the potential each seed holds.
The amount of energy stored in that tiny pod, capable of growing into a plant that can produce food and  even seeds to grow more plants is mind blowing! It's nature's miracle that we get to experience every day!

Gardening for me started out as a hobby, but is quickly turning into a passion that I can't seem to control. The more I learn about things like seed saving or winter gardening, the more I become drawn in and realize this is what I want to do for a living.


Each day seems to bring new opportunities to bring me closer to this dream and I am grateful for these unexpected miracles.


Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. 
Live the life you have imagined.
Henry David Thoreau


  1. That Thoreau quote is my favorite of all time and the one that gave me the courage to move out to the country and live the life I'd imagined. It's so fulfilling when you know you are exactly where you're meant to be. I hope you can make a career out of your passion! It is so amazing to plant a seed and watch it grow. It does seem like magic to me! I am always in awe and very humbled when I eat something from my garden that I grew from seed, like our tomatoes. It just blows my mind that so much can come from one tiny little seed!

  2. The school gardens are beautiful...great job at bringing life and creativity to other generations - is so needed in our culture!
