
Friday, July 5, 2013

Fruition Seeds

There is a new organic seed supplier here in the northeast, called Fruition Seeds, and their mission is to preserve the diversity of seeds.

I am an avid seed saver and whole heartily believe in preserving heirlooms and varieties that are becoming extinct. I believe in knowing where my seeds came from, who grew them and what farming practices they use and I like to support organic farmers and non-gmo, non-hybrid seed growers, so I was thrilled to learn about Fruition Seeds. They are located in Naples, NY. and use local growers to grow some of their seed crops.

I commend them on what they are doing as their views on food and farming are the same as my own. I wanted get some of their seeds to plant in my winter garden so I ordered some Choi, Hon Tsai Tai, Mizuna, and Amaranth. The seeds arrived today and you can tell by their seed packets that they really care about what they are doing!

Each seed packet comes with growing and seed saving instructions and they encourage you to save their seeds!

I can't wait to plant some of these varieties in my summer and winter garden and look forward to getting other varieties to plant next year!

Fruition Seeds has launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise money for their venture. They are trying to raise $25,000 and you can help by making a pledge to support them. With each pledge you will get discounts or free seeds and will help make a difference by supporting an organic company that is trying to save the diversity of seeds!

They need to have $25,000 in pledges by July 18th and they are already at $18,445!
I have already pledged my support because I share the same views on food and farming. I feel what they are doing it is extremely important and will affect everyone in some way. Saving the diversity of seeds and preserving our open-pollinated, non-gmo varieties is critical and I am happy to support them!


1 comment:

  1. What an awesome company! I just watched their video on kickstarter. I can't believe we have lost so much of the genetic diversity in our food crops. It's astonishing. I'm glad there are people out there trying to fight the system and do what's right!
