
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Apple Picking in Vermont

Fall is my absolute favorite season. The clean crisp air, the woodsy smell of leaves, the aroma of wood stoves. It's a time to finish harvesting from the gardens, saving seeds for next year, cleaning the gardens by gathering up and composting withered plants, and covering the garden with crushed leaves to protect it during it's winter rest.  

One place I love to visit, especially in the fall, is Vermont. Just a short drive, it's like traveling to another world. The skies are deep blue and clear and the air seems so clean and crisp. You are welcomed with the colorful fall foliage and smells of leaves and pine trees. 

Earlier in the week we took a trip to Woodstock VT, and on the way back we stopped at the Green Mountain Orchards in Putney, VT. to go apple picking.

The Green Mountain Orchards is a great place to visit. You can pick your own apples and pumpkins, and they sell their own apple cider, donuts, and apple & pumpkin pies, which are absolutely delicious! They also sell their jams & jellies, raspberries, blueberries, peaches, plums, pears, and sweet corn, when in season.

It was a perfect fall day to go apple picking. The skies were slightly overcast and the temps were in the low 50's with that crisp Vermont air. The apples were unbelievably delicious and sweet, most likely due to the cooler Vermont weather.

Vermont is a special place. 
If you are ever in the Putney area, be sure to stop at the Green Mountain Orchards, it's worth the drive!

1 comment:

  1. SO pretty! Brings back great memories of a New England trip many years ago where we happened onto a pick your own orchard early in the morning. Cool, crisp, foggy and those apples...mmm.
