
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Fall Clean-up

We've had our first frost last week so the summer growing season has pretty much come to an end. I already have the greenhouse cleaned out and one of my 4 x 8 cold-frames planted with lettuce, arugula, kale and spinach to provide us with fresh salad greens throughout the winter, so now it's time to start cleaning the gardens and covering them with shredded leaves for the winter. 

Meet the cleaning helpers!

These are our two Pekin ducks, (haven't named them yet). They roam the back yard during the day foraging for bugs and pretty much anything else they can eat. After I pulled up the tomato, pepper and other withered plants, I opened up the garden for them to feast on the remaining summer kale and cabbage. 
They are excellent cleaners and have been doing a thorough job!

Since growing organically and applying compost tea to the seedlings in the spring, I haven't had much of a pest problem. I do get the occasional squash beetle or cabbage moth, but not enough to do any significant damage. I am hoping the ducks will clean any hibernating insects left in the garden and next year will see even less pests. I just need to keep them out of the garden when I plant the tender seedlings next spring!


  1. The squash bugs totally attacked my garden this summer :-( I have lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, carrots and peas growing right now, but our first frost can't be far off. I like your ducks!

    1. Thanks Lisa. This is the first time raising ducks, they have such unique personalities! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Hi! Thanks for linking up with Farm Fun Friday. I love your ducks, I have two Pekins as well.

    I hope to see you next week at FFF.

  3. I love those ducks! Be careful or Aflac will come recruiting ducks for commercials! :)

  4. Thanks so much for linking up with Farm Fun Friday! Our 2 Pekin ducks look nearly identical!

    1. These guys are so much fun to garden with! Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Replies
    1. They are happy and well fed! They have been eating from the garden all summer!

  6. Ducks are the best! We lost our Pekins this summer to raccoons, but our old Mallard Freddie survived. They are excellent cleaners and have wonderful personalities. :)

    1. Nancy, so sorry to hear about your Pekins. I saw coyotes a couple times early in the morning so I worry about these two guys. They are locked up at night and are in a fenced yard so hopefully they will be okay. They do have wonderful personalities! Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Replies
    1. Joy, they are definitely characters! I love having them in the yard!

  8. Such cute ducks! I really want to get some. Looks like they are useful to have around!

    1. They are very useful keeping the garden clean of pests. They don't scratch up the gardens like chickens so I don't have to worry about them destroying anything, just need to keep an eye on the seedlings and lettuce! I would love to have some chickens as well though! Thanks for stopping by!

  9. I love your blog! Please come link up to my Farm Girl Blog Fest:

    1. Thanks Lisa and thanks for the invite, I already linked up!!

  10. Those are happy workers if I've ever seen one! Will be waiting for the big name reveal soon. LOL

    Thanks for linking up with the Clever Chicks this week!

    Kathy Shea Mormino
    The Chicken Chick

  11. I LOVE the pictures of the ducks! The last one is particularly fetching. :-) Sooner or later, I'm going to get some ducks to join my flock of four urban hens. Drop by and visit!


  12. Hello! I’m stopping in to invite you to join us at the Clever Chicks Blog Hop this week!

    I hope to see you there!
    The Chicken Chick
