
Saturday, November 10, 2012

Looking for Product Reviewers!

Would you like to be a product reviewer and then get to keep that item for free? 

I am looking for a few people who would be interested in testing and reviewing some of the products that I now sell and will be developing in the near future.

 I will be selecting a few people, out of everyone interested, to try out and test an item and then write an honest review that I can use on my website to promote my products. 

I will send you a specific item based on a questionnaire and for your efforts you will get to keep the item!

Right now I am looking for people to try and and review:

Hand-Carved Garden Dibbles

6'-10" x 8'-0" Greenhouse Plans

** You can click on the item in my ETSY store in the side bar for a description **

If you are interested in reviewing a product, and would like to also be considered to review future products, including garden tools and other garden project plans, please send me an email with "Product Tester" in the subject line and tell me what item you are interested in reviewing.

Thank you!



  1. Hi Rob! So glad you came by to read about FarmMade! I'll come by to see your shop too!
    Good luck!

  2. Hi Rob! So glad you came by to read about FarmMade! I'll come by to see your shop too!
    Good luck!

  3. Rob - since I ordered one for my husband for the holidays can I sign him up to be a reviewer - he writes on my blog from time to time!

    1. Absolutely! I will send you an email soon.
