
Sunday, November 4, 2012

Preserving Memories

   My grandparents are the reason why I am so passionate about gardening and healthy food today.  My best childhood memories are working side by side with my grandfather, planting seedlings in his greenhouse or picking fields of raspberries and selling them to the local grocery store.

 My grandparents passed away when I was 14 years old and their home was sold, along with the greenhouse, barn and raspberries. I have many memories of them, but unfortunately not too many pictures. One of my most treasured photos I have is this old 2 x 3 of my grandfather, Bepa, standing next to one of his cold frames.

For many years this picture has sat on my desk where I look at it often while I am working, planning my garden projects or sitting down to write a post.  I have always wanted to enlarge this picture and hang it on my wall in my office, but the quality of this old photo just wasn't that great.

My brother-in-law, who is a photographer, was looking for old photos to restore. I gave him this picture and he was able to scan it into his computer and digitally restore it to an unbelievable quality while still preserving the essence of the photo.

A couple days ago I was completely surprised by a FedEx delivery. 
It was a large package that contained a framed 8 x 12 picture of my grandfather, the one my brother-in-law had restored for me. He took it upon himself to send it out and get it professionally framed so I could hang it on my office wall because he knew how much this picture meant to me. I can't even begin to express how much this gesture means to me ~as my eyes begin to well up as I write this~,
Thank you Kevin!

My grandfather is a big part of who I am today, and now I have this cherished picture hanging above my desk to remind me every day why I do what I do and why I love gardening so much.

If you have some old photos or cherished memories that you would like to have preserved, check out my brother-in-laws website for more information.

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  1. AMAZING! I can't believe how good the photo looks. So nice that he framed it for you.

    I love hearing about who influenced people to get to where they are today. My grandma has had a huge influence on my life, so I can relate :)

    1. I didn't realize how much of an impact my grandparents had on my life until I was a little older. Their memories and life lessons will live on!

  2. What a thoughtful gift from your BIL. ♥

    Thank you for sharing this on the Clever Chicks this week; I hope you’ll join us again!

    Kathy Shea Mormino
    The Chicken Chick
