
Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!

2012 was a crazy year and I am a little happy to see it pass. There were some really great things that happened, and a few that I would much rather just move past and put behind me. It has been a year of change and self reflection leaving me excited for the possibilities of what 2013 may hold! I am looking forward to more big changes and adventures while I journey down this path.

For me the winter solstice signified a time for new beginning. The days between the solstice and January 1st are a time to reflect, dream and plan with New Year's Day being the starting point to take action.

With that being said, here are some of my goals for 2013:
  • Build a 2nd larger greenhouse
  • Expand the gardens to be able to grow more of our own food
  • Fence in the gardens
  • Put up a 12' x 20' high tunnel for winter growing
  • Build a garden shed
  • Install rain barrels
  • Set up a drip irrigation system
  • Attempt to get into the local farmers markets to sell seedlings, flowers and herbs
  • Get the school garden started
  • Put in blueberries, raspberries and grapes
  • Grow more varieties to preserve for our winter food supply
  • Plant mostly heirloom varieties and save seeds for following years garden
  • Work towards becoming more self-sufficient, growing even more of our food
  • Read more organic gardening, farming and homesteading books
  • Develop more of my own products
  • Redesign website to include information on organic growing
  • Organize blog posts to provide information from starting seeds to harvesting crops
  • Take more steps to keep me moving towards my dream
  • Work less, play more
  • Try to live more in the moment! 
What are some of your goals or resolutions for 2013?

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year!!


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Tilly's Nest


  1. Great goals! Some of ours are quite similar. We also want to move to being more self-sufficient and growing more of our own food. This year we want to try growing some veggies we've never tried before. My husband really wants to build a greenhouse out of old salvaged windows, too. I think it would be awesome!

  2. That is a great list. We'll definitely be doing some of the same things at our new property. I always wanted raised beds here but had no real lumber to work with. We'll have to clear space for our home on our new property, so we should have plenty of material to begin creating raised beds. I'm wanting to garden biointensively, so I'll be referring to your plans for sure. Thanks, and happy New Year!

    1. I would recommend getting "How to Grow More Vegetables" by John Jeavons ( It contains all the information and charts for growing biointensive including plant spacing and sample garden plans. One of the best books I own!

  3. Quite an ambitious list! I wish you well on your endeavors! Be blessed!

  4. That is quite the list! You forgot to add sleep and eat. :o) Best wishes for a productive year.
