
Friday, March 8, 2013

Farm to Table eBook

A while back, Gretchen from The Backyard Farming Connection, asked me if I would be interested in contributing to a Farm to Table eBook that she was putting together. I am passionate about eating healthy, gardening and encouraging others to grow their own food, so of course I was absolutely thrilled to participate.

The eBook, "Farm to Table Through the Year - 12 Months of Fresh Food from the Garden", is a collective work of 12 contributing bloggers, each asked to write a chapter for a specified month about growing a certain crop. You can meet each contributor here. Each chapter contains information about growing a particular crop and includes a recipe.

My month was February and I wrote about growing using cold frames. There is information about growing a winter garden, a list of the types of crops that can be grown and a link to download my plans so you can build your own cold frame.

The eBook will be available for free download on March 14th!



  1. I'm so excited about the ebook :) Can't wait til it is released!

    1. Same here! It was a fun project to work on. Gretchen did a great job putting it all together!

  2. I'll be looking forward to downloading a copy! How exciting!

  3. Rob - so glad to have you as part of this project - love your chapter! Really excited to release it tomorrow!
