
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Planning the New Garden Shed and Greenhouse

The first round of seedlings have been started and as I strive to expand the gardens each year, attempting to grow more, I realize that I really need a bigger greenhouse.

My current greenhouse, which is 6'-10" x 8'-0", is the perfect size for the average backyard gardener. It has worked out extremely well over the past 5 years and has greatly improved my ability to grow more crops and extend my growing season. I can fit 8 seedling trays on each bench plus another 8 on the ground under the higher bench with allows me to fit approximately 1,080 seedlings in 2" soil blocks.

With the School Garden project and my desire to try and sell seedlings and cut flowers at the farmers' market, I really need more growing space plus storage for supplies. Last year I designed a new garden shed and planned to have it built before winter, but as luck would have it I was too busy and wasn't able to get it done. That turned out to be a blessing in disguise because I had time to re-think my plan and do a little re-design. 

The Revised Garden Layout

I thought it would be nice to have the new greenhouse attached to the shed so I could store my gardening and seed starting supplies nearby (see revised garden plan above). The new location will make it easier to carry seedlings to the garden and also allow me to run electricity and water lines so I can start my seedlings directly in the greenhouse.

Now that the drawings are completed, it's time to resubmit my plans to Town Hall to get my permit re-issued. Hopefully it won't take too long and I can get started on this project as soon as the ground thaws out!

After I build the new Garden Shed and larger Greenhouse
I will be adding the plans to my Project Plans Web Page.



  1. The plans look great! I can see how you would need more space now with the school garden and your cutting garden. Exciting times :)

  2. It's funny that I read this as I was popping over to your blog to take yet another look at your greenhouse plans. My husband would like to build one and we are seriously considering your plans. I hesitate to show my husband that you'll have a larger one, I don't want to wait another year! I look forward to seeing what you do with the new one.

    1. The original greenhouse is actually large enough for the serious gardener. If I wasn't trying to get into growing as a side business, or working on the school garden, I wouldn't be thinking about building a larger one.

      Thanks for considering my plans!
