
Friday, April 5, 2013

A peek into the greenhouse ...

My days have been extremely busy and I haven't had too much time to post or work in the garden. 
It has been a chore just to keep up with the seedlings. moving them from the basement to the greenhouse each morning and then back inside in the evening. It is still too cold to leave them out at night, a mistake I made a couple weeks ago and lost all of my kale, broccoli, cauliflower and most of the lettuce.

I had to re-start some of the seeds, hopefully the kale will have enough time to come in.

Right now I have tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, lettuce, kale, fennel, basil, marigolds and petunias in the greenhouse. I still have my sage, thyme, rosemary, parsley and oregano in the basement on heat mats as they aren't big enough to block up yet.

This weekend I plan to start the sunflowers, zinnias, zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkins and squash all in 2" soil blocks. Those will be the last of the seeds that need to be started indoors, the rest will be direct sown in to the garden.

Romaine Lettuce
Bell Peppers
Cherry Tomatoes
Marigolds, starting to form buds.

The weather is supposed to start warming, so hopefully I can start turning the beds and edging the new gardens. I also need to get to work on building the duck house, something I was hoping to do last month!

Looks like it is going to be a busy year!



  1. They look great so far! Love how you are planting so many different things. Good luck on the duck house :)

    1. Thanks! This week I really need to get the duck house built!

  2. Oh, wow! What beautiful seedlings! We are supposed to have warm weather today. I hope to clean flower beds. Happy Spring! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

    1. Thanks! We finally have warmer weather and I am able to leave the seedlings in the greenhouse overnight.

  3. Beautiful photos! Those seedlings look so healthy.

    1. Thanks Gretchen. I definitely get stronger seedlings and healthier plants using the soil blocks.

  4. Happy gardening Rob! Your babies look awesome :)

    1. Thanks Lisa, they have been growing like crazy with the warmer weather we have been having!
