
Thursday, May 2, 2013

Garden Journal - May 2013

Garden Journal - May, 2013

To Do:

  • Turn beds to prepare for planting
  • Begin moving transplants to garden
  • Finish building the duck house
  • Layout and cut in new garden beds
  • Design irrigation system for garden
  • Construct raised beds, fill with soil and start planting school garden
  • Design pergola covered flower bed for school garden


It finally feels like spring around here with day time temperatures reaching into the mid 70's. The greenhouse is overflowing with vigorously growing seedlings patiently waiting their move into the garden. The overnight temps have still been dropping into the 40's, so each night I move the seedling into the basement where they sit on heat mats. Once the morning sun heats the greenhouse to 60° I move them back out again. Next week the nights are supposed to be warmer so hopefully I won't have to bring them in anymore.

 My system for starting seed seems to be working very well as each season I get better germination rates and healthier seedlings. This year I have included flowers to my seed starting schedule, starting marigolds, petunias, zinnias, morning glory and lots of sunflowers! We will use most of them around our house and in the school garden but I eventually plan on selling them at the local farmer's market.

The school garden project is moving along rather quickly, thanks to the help of some very generations donations. Ring's End Lumber gave me a discount on the materials for the raised beds, Beach Brook Farm Equine Rescue has agreed to donate compost, Lombardi Gravel & Excavation gave us a donation of FREE screened loam, and Jennifer Burcke of 1840 Farm included her heirloom seed collection in our order of seeds for the garden! We are very grateful to have so many generous people support and help make this project a reality!

 Last night we put up the school garden sign and this weekend we will be having a raised bed building event where the children will be assembling the raised bed systems. There is a lot of excitement at school over the garden so we anticipate a good turnout of helpers!

We have launched the school garden blog and facebook page and are looking to increase interest in this project. I hope you will follow us and be part of this exciting journey!

What is on your garden to-do list for May?



  1. What an exciting time of year for gardeners! Filled with hope and ready to plant! Our gardening is somewhat 'on hold' until we see how far the temps drop tonight and this weekend. Lettuce, dill and snow peas are producing nicely! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

    1. I haven't even begun to get the beds ready to plant because we have been so wrapped up with the school garden, but I need to do that real soon! My lettuce, kale, dill and collards are still in the greenhouse, and are huge!

  2. I love the school garden sign! So cute. It's wonderful that you've received so many donations to help out with the garden. Sounds like between your garden and the school garden you will be quite busy this summer! :)

    1. We are touched by all the support we are receiving! Managing both gardens has been extremely exhausting and time consuming, but it is definitely well worth it!
