
Sunday, June 23, 2013

A Trip to the Herb Farm

Today my wife and I took a trip to one of our favorite places...

Between the outdoor plants, english gardens, greenhouses, gift shop, and animals, we could spend hours  just walking around the grounds!

 There are several gardens surrounded by stone walls. Each garden has a stick built structure covered in vines or flowers. I would love to build one of these in our school garden.

There is also a center structure that houses doves,

and metal & stone sculptures hidden around the gardens.

There are many animals to see such as rabbits, chickens, goats, and llamas.

The chickens posing for a picture.

The goat was trying to eat my camera!
The center barn contains a store that sells dried herbs, gardening clothing, jams and many other gardening related items. They also hold classes on flower arranging, making stone bowls and many other garden crafts.

Right off the barn is another greenhouse. 
I would love to build something like this off the side of my garage!

The reason for our visit today was to pick up a few more plants for our deck. Last weekend when we stopped in to pick up some plants for the school garden perennial bed we also picked up a few plants for our ourselves.

More Mint
Today we picked up some lemon verbena, so we can make some tea using our mint plants, an aloe plant and a couple perennials for the back beds.

Lemon Verbena
Aloe for the kitchen.

I would love to have enough land someday to run a business like the herb farm, but until then I am happy working in my little greenhouse and backyard gardens.

The last of the plants in the greenhouse, some basil and petunias,
Sunflower Update:

The dwarf sunflowers have been opening up these past couple of weeks and are spectacular! The potted plants have one head and are a bit smaller, but the ones planted in the gardens are taller, with larger heads. They are even starting to branch out with multiple heads that will also be flowering soon.

My only regret with these dwarf sunflowers is that they are hybrids, so I can't save the seeds for next year, but I will definitely plant them again because they add so much to the gardens. I am searching for a dwarf organic, heirloom variety so I can save seeds to replant. Hopefully I will find one soon!



  1. That herb farm looks lovely! Once I saw the chickens I knew it was my kind of place :) The sunflower is just gorgeous!

  2. Beautiful! Would love to go one day!

  3. The Herb Farm looks like a very inspirational place to visit...we used to have more of them in our area some years ago when herbs were very popular. It would be great to have them around again...thanks for the photos.
