
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Following my path ...

 "If you are facing in the right direction, 
all you need to do is keep on walking" 
- Buddhist saying

It's getting close to that time when I like to reflect back on these past 12 months and look ahead to what I would like to accomplish in the upcoming year. It seems a little early to start thinking about this, but for some reason it has been on my mind a lot lately. I think it's because over these past few months I have been participating in several blog hops and have "met" some really inspiring people. It has really made me take a good look at where I am in my life and see just how happy I am doing what I am presently doing.

I am a self-employed architectural designer. I design high-end complex stair systems and cabinetry for multi-million dollar homes. I have worked with a client developing and designing a telescoping temporary stair system. I have created a successful business and have built a good reputation for myself. I absolutely love being self-employed and can't ever imagine working for someone else again. It is very enjoyable work, most days, but it doesn’t satisfy my soul. I do love to design, and I will probably always do it to some degree, but I yearn to be out in nature doing something more fulfilling with a greater purpose.

I love gardening and have a passion for growing healthy food. Being a part of this movement to take back control of our food supply is exciting and very important to me. I have been attempting to grow organically on my 1/4 acre suburban lot for some time now, each year learning and expanding my crops, but this isn't satisfying or who I really am. I see myself on a 5+ acre farm, living in an old farmhouse with a barn, a greenhouse and an orchard. I envision a  pond with ducks and chickens roaming the yard, an antique farmall tractor, and a roadside stand where we sell our organically grown produce and fresh baked pies. I have dreamed about buying another piece of property to start a small organic farm for some time now, but that dream always seems to get lost in the day to day bustle of my life.

There have been several events these past few months, some good and some bad, that seem to have sparked a new fire inside, motivating me to start taking steps to get my life where I want it to be. New opportunities seem to be popping up and I have opened my eyes wide enough to realize that I need to follow this path that is rising up in front of me.

I have a couple big projects that I am going to start working on immediately. The first is to attempt to sustainably and organically grow as much of our own food as possible on our 1/4 acre lot for our family of four. I will be blogging about this from planning to harvest and keeping a "journal" of the progress. The next big project is to redesign my website to include as much information as I can about growing, in a seed to seed layout (from planting seeds to saving seeds and everything in between) with an emphasis on heirloom varieties. I will be going through all my blog posts and garden journals to organizing the information into an easy to use online format so others can benefit and hopefully be inspired. I don't consider myself and expert on growing, but I have been keeping garden journals for some time, experimenting with several different techniques and I would be happy to pass along the information of what worked, or didn't work for me.

There are some other things I will be working on as well, like improving my photography skills, especially with nature and plants, to hopefully be able to someday make something of it, expanding my greenhouse so I can start selling seedlings and flowers in the spring, attending more NOFA workshops to better educate myself, creating a better blog format to include more gardening tips, healthy recipes, garden project plans, book reviews and resources, and become more involved in writing about organic gardening. 

"Happiness is not a goal ... it's a by-product of a life well lived."
- Eleanor Roosevelt

I am going to start taking these quantum steps to get to where I see myself in life and work towards living a more sustainable, earth friendly and fulfilling life.

I am not sure where this path will lead, but I hope you will follow me along this journey and I hope I inspire you to also follow your dreams!


"The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the upmost, 
to reach out eagerly and without fear of newer and richer experience."
- Eleanor Roosevelt


  1. Wonderful post! I'm so glad I found your blog and you have been a big inspiration for me to learn more about gardening. I really respect and admire the fact that even though you have a successful professional life, you realize there is something more you want to do. So many people forget about their dreams and passions as life goes on and work takes over. It's so important to take time to know and understand what makes your soul sing and take steps every day towards your ultimate goals.

    I look forward to the day we hear about your new farm and roadside stand selling your delicious organic produce and freshly baked pies :)

    1. Thank you so much, I always look forward to reading your comments! I also get inspired by your and other blogs as well. It's so nice to read what others are doing and experience something new, like a delicious recipe!

      I also look forward to the day I can post about our new farm, more than you could ever possibly imagine :)


  2. Dear Rob,
    " Life " has a funny way of taking over if we don't plant our feet forward and firmly in the direction of our hearts desire. I love what you shared here today... Your path matches mine ( except mine includes a horse, or two LOL ). I too see myself on minimum 5 acre parcel with more growing room for food and flowers, a barn for re-claimed finds and creations and photography ( mine and my husbands )I'm even beginning to feel restless in my blog space wanting to spread out and share more. This too will require a sharp focus in the near future if I want to be as inspiring a writer and blogger as I hope to be! What is it about the pull of the land that tugs at some of us so strongly? You are FARMBOY AT HEART for sure! I look forward to following along you journey! Thank you for sharing it here today.
    Farmgirl Deb

    1. Thank you! I thought if I wrote this down and put it out there it would be a step to actually making it happen. Now if I got caught up in "Life" I can look back at this and remind myself of the path I want to be on.
      I hope your path also leads you to what truly make you happy!
      Thanks for following along!

  3. What a great vision! I love it, and I know you're going to see your dream to fruition, even if it takes awhile!

    Have you ever thought about doing your design work with more eco-friendly building techniques? I would LOVE to have someone like you give advice if I ever move forward with a natural building project. Just curious..!

    1. Thank you! Your blog has been a huge inspiration for me!

      I actually have thought about doing Eco-friendly design work and have looked at some companies to get involved with to learn more. Keep me posted on your project, I would love to help out if I could!
