
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Gardener's Giveaway!

Looking for a unique gift for a fellow gardener or yourself?

Deborah Jean's Dandelion House is having a Gardener's Giveaway!

She has been kind enough to feature my blog, Hand-Carved Garden Dibbles, and FarmMade Shop on her blog.

For a chance to win a Hand-Carved Garden Dibble pop on over to her blog, say hello and enter the contest!
A lucky winner will be announced next Tuesday 12/4/12!

**For those that may not win the contest but would still like to purchase a dibble, I am offering
a 20% discount at my ETSY store from Dec.1st thru Dec.7th! 
Enter code DEC20 at checkout to receive the discount!!

Shared at:


  1. Replies
    1. I read your comment on Deborah Jean's blog, thank you so much for the kind words! The truth is that I have been inspired from other people's blogs, including yours!

  2. I came over here from Deborah Jean,s blog. So glad I did. I not only love your crafting of tools, but your mini green houses are awesome.

  3. Stopping over from Deborah Jean's blog and I just love the idea of a dibble! I am one of your newest followers and looking forward to reading more of your blog!

  4. Just found you on Deborah Jeans blog. love your dribbles and you garden post follwed you on facebook,

  5. Love your dibbles! Just stopping in from Deb's to take a peek. ~Blessings upon your enterprises!

  6. Hello, I'd never seen a dibble before. I'm going to send a link for your blog to my hubby. He's a gardener.
