
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Homemade Granola

Granola is a staple breakfast in our house and is usually eaten year round. We have two different recipes that we make, the first is a basic granola and the second is a cinnamon spiced granola, which I will post next time we make it.

Basic Granola Recipe:

2-3/4 cups rolled oats
1/4 cup oat bran (or wheat germ)
1/4 cup sunflower seeds
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1/4 cup agave nectar (or honey)
1/4 teaspoon vanilla
1/3 cup chunky peanut butter
1/2 cup raisins
1/2 cup chopped nuts

Stir together oats, oat bran and sunflower seeds in a mixing bowl. Heat oil and agave in a saucepan over medium heat, stirring occasionally to blend. Remove from heat and add vanilla. Stir in peanut butter and mix until it is completely mixed together. Add mixture to dry ingredients and mix thoroughly with a wooden spoon. Spread on 11 x 16 cookie sheet with sides. Bake at 225° F for one hour, but check every so often and stir if browning unevenly. Remove from oven, cool and add raisins and nuts.
YIELD: 5 cups granola.

Optional additions:
Fresh or dried blueberries, cherries or other fruit.

When we make our granola we usually make a triple batch so we always have some on hand.


Shared at: 

Gastronomical Sovereignty
The Backyard Farming Connection
Eat Make Grow
Fresh Eggs Daily
The Chicken Chick, Clever Chick's Blog Hop #8 
Sunny Simple Life 


  1. This sounds delicious! I love the addition of peanut butter. Can't wait to try it out. Thanks for sharing!

  2. This sounds so yummy! I will definitely be making a batch soon! Thanks for sharing! Newest follower! Come visit

  3. Oh this looks yummy! I've always wanted to make my own granola and have never gotten around to it. Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  4. oh i adore granola! especially the homemade stuff :)
    thank you for sharing your post with us at the Wednesday Fresh Foods Link Up! I hope to see you again this week with more seasonal and fresh/real food posts :) xo, kristy
