I am an avid reader. That's how I learn new gardening techniques. When I am interested in something I usually go to the library or look online and try and get as much information as I can on the subject. There is a lot of information out there, but it usually takes a good amount of effort and time to dig through it all. There are some books that are invaluable to me, that contain a wealth of useful (and more importantly) accurate information. The three top books that I would recommend to anyone would have to be The New Organic Grower, Four-Season Harvest and The Winter Harvest Handbook, all by Eliot Coleman. Out of all the organic gardening books I have read, these have by far been the most helpful. Another great book would have to be Seed to Seed, by Suzanne Ashworth. This book is for anyone who is interested in saving their own seeds. It gives information on all varieties of plants and outlines step by step techniques to dry and save seed properly. I first learned of this book through Seed Savers Exchange , which is an organization dedicated to saving and sharing heirloom organic seeds that are NON-GMO.
I have a long list of books, magazines, websites, organizations and suppliers that I find very informative and useful. I am going to add a "Resources" column to list them for anyone looking for more information on organic gardening.
What are some of your favorite resources?